Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Bid Smart

This recent screen print shows what the DealDash home page looks like. This one features a special event to celebrate Valentines Day. During this event, the cost of bids were put on sale for as little as 11 cents each. When bids go on sale, this is the time to purchase your bids. Once you purchase bids, they will show up in your DealDash account and will stay there (see upper right) until they are used.

Save Bids, Save Money on

Seven Habits of Smart Customers

Before bidding, smart customers watch, read and learn how DealDash works. DealDash is NOT like eBay. If you bid from the home page above and/or cast single bids, you better stop and do your homework.
Experienced customers double-click on the auction item they want to win. Double-clicking on the item will open up an inside page. That is where you will see BidBuddy, an automated bidder that will place your bids for you. Once you place bids into BidBuddy, your bids will not be used until the clock is allowed to go down to zero. Other customers could cast hundreds of single bids from the home page that are completly wasted because they cannot win as long as customers have bids waiting in BidBuddy. As long as the clock is not allowed to go down to zero, single bidders will not even know you are there. BidBuddy will only use your bids if and when they are needed -- if and when the clock goes down to zero.
Not only do you waste bids and money if you try to beat the clock, but you are also cheating other players out of winning free bids. When you open the inside page, you will see a green bar at the bottom left. Every time you are the highest bidder, that line will move. When it gets to the end, you will collect free bids.  Single bidders who "cut the clock" irritate experienced customers who want to get their time on the clock to win their free bids.
To bid smart, follow the seven habits of smart customers:

  1. Smart customers ask themselves, "Do I really want or need this product?" and they save their bids to try to win items they want or need most.
  2. Smart customers are usually prepared to do a BIN (Buy It Now) if they do not win. If you do not win the auction, you have seven days to buy the product at retail to get all of your bids back FREE of charge to use to try to win something else. Whether you win the item or do a BIN, shipping, postage and handling is always free.
  3. Smart customers have a budget and stick with it. Decide ahead of time how many bids you can afford to buy and how many bids you are willing to invest toward winning the auction. Once you have reached your maximum limit, stick with it.
  4. Smart customers usually place their bids in BidBuddy and allow the automated system to bid for them (because it will usually save bids and money).
  5. Smart customers check to see if the same auction item will be available again. If you see a large number of customers trying to win the same product, it might be a good idea to wait and bid on that item at another time when there are fewer customers competing for the item.
  6. Smart customers recognize the screen names of power bidders who never stop and try to avoid getting into the same auctions. By reading the other customers bidder bios, they might try to avoid bidding with lawyers, engineers and doctors because that usually spells lots of money.
  7. Smart customers check the winners list to see how much money an auction item usually closes at, and they plan their bidding strategies accordingly. They will also look for patterns. For example, if an item sells for an extra high amount one time, it often sells for less the next time it comes up for auction.
As long as you follow the seven habits of smart customers, you could win some good bargains at and have fun at the same time.

Visit me here: Barbara Sellers

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